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Evaluators and licensees can download the Toolkit from

For evaluators this download contains all of the Toolkit packages, plus the starter apps and feature demonstrations. For licensees the download contains the Toolkit packages.


The Toolkit packages are hosted in jsPlumb's NPM repository. Access to this repository is available to all current evaluators, and to all licensees who currently have access to download new releases. You can install the Toolkit using NPM but first you need to follow the steps outlined here in order to setup your access to our private NPM repository.

With NPM you can use local file URLs that point at the Toolkit packages (this is what the evaluation bundle does), or you can use jsPlumb's private NPM repository.

NPM Repository details

Note the trailing slash on the repository locations: this must be included.





To login to the jsPlumb NPM repository you use your licensee ID:

npm adduser --registry=

Your password will have been supplied in an email from jsPlumb.


npm adduser --registry=



You'll need to map the @jsplumbtoolkit scope to jsPlumb's NPM repository. For that, ensure your .npmrc has these entries:


The values shown are for the licensee repository.


For evaluators, use these values:


You can hover over these boxes to get the option to copy the code to the clipboard.


Running the npm adduser command to login to the NPM repository will result in an authToken being written to your local .npmrc. For evaluators, an unlimited number of users can login (using the same login details) and retrieve a token. For licensees, the number of active tokens is determined relative to the number of developer seats purchased: for holders of a 1-5 developer license, 6 concurrent tokens are supported. For holders of a 1-10 developer license, 12 concurrent tokens are supported. The extra token(s) are intended to help if you have a machine that runs automated builds or some such setup. For holders of an unlimited seats developer license, unlimited NPM tokens are supported.

Access Limits

For evaluators, access to the NPM repository will expire as soon as the evaluation period has expired.

For licensees, access to the NPM repository is available for the duration of the time that a given licensee has access to download new releases. Once this period expires, access to the NPM repository will also expire.

Licensees have access to download new releases for a period of 12 months from the original purchase date of their license or of a license renewal. We contact all licensees ahead of time when their download expiry is about to expire.

Repository Availability

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the repository is available at all times, jsPlumb enters into no Service Level Agreement with either licensees or evaluators as to the availability of the NPM repository. It is recommended that all licensees download the jsPlumb Toolkit packages from our Downloads Page.

Install the Toolkit

Once you've connected to our private NPM repository, you can install the Toolkit:

npm i @jsplumbtoolkit/browser-ui

Next Steps

At this point you have a few choices.

Are you an evaluator and you just want to look at a pre-built app or demo? Take a look at evaluators page, where we provide a summary of what's in your evaluation bundle, how to use it, how to get support, and how to access any new releases made during the time that your evaluation is active.

Do you want to read about how to setup a brand new app or page to use the Toolkit? Then the setup page is probably what you're looking for.