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Client side templating is baked right in to the Toolkit - you declare node, group and port definitions in a view, providing the id, or content, of some template to use, and the Toolkit takes care of the rest.


If you are using the Angular, Vue2, Vue3, React or Svelte integration, then you're not going to be using this template engine.

Template format

  • Format is strict XHTML: all tags must be closed. This means
<input type="text"></input>

for example.

  • Use only double quotes for attributes:
<div class="foo"></div>


<div class='foo'></div>

Inside attribute values, however, you can use single quotes:

<r-if test="value == 'foo'">...</r-if>


When using the default template engine, your templates must return a single root node. If you return multiple nodes, the Toolkit will use the first node only.

Resolving templates

Templates can be specified in a few different ways. You can supply the template inline in a view:

template:`<div class="some-node-type"><h1>SOME NODE</h1></div>`

For some use cases, where the templates are not overly complex, this can be handy. One caveat to note with this approach is that the template engine expects double quotes for attributes, so if your template has any attributes declared you should use backticks or single quotes for the template string. Backticks are preferable, though, because if make a string comparison in a template you'll need to use single quotes:

template:`<div class="some-node-type">
<r-if test="aField == 'foo'">
<h1>SOME NODE</h1></div>

or you can provide the ID of a template to resolve:


The default template resolution mechanism is to look for a <script> element in the DOM with an ID matching the ID of the template to retrieve.

or you can omit both of these and just rely on the Toolkit to infer a template ID:

... nothing about templates

The inferred template id consists of "jtk-template-" as a prefix, followed by the type of the object. So in this example, the node type would have an inferred template id of jtk-template-someNodeType. The Toolkit then uses whatever resolution mechanism is in place to find that template.

Custom template resolver

As mentioned above, the default template resolution mechanism is to look for a <script> element in the DOM with an ID matching the ID of the template to retrieve. You can supply your own template resolver like this:

toolkit.render(someElement, {
view:{ ... },
templateResolver:function(templateId) {
// find the matching template and return it - as a String.

External Templates

To help you organize your templates better, you can store them in external files and reference them via a script import in your HTML:

<script type="text/x-jtk-templates" src="../palettes/shapes-svg.html"></script>

The key here is that the type is text/x-jtk-templates. There may be one or more templates declared in the specified file. This example is one from one of the Toolkit's unit tests; the file contains several templates. Here's the first two:

<script type="jtk" id="tmplRectangle">  
<svg:svg style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;">
<svg:rect width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}" x="{{strokeWidth}}" y="{{strokeWidth}}" fill="{{fill}}" stroke="{{stroke}}" stroke-width="{{strokeWidth}}"/>

<script type="jtk" id="tmplCircle">
<svg:svg style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;">
<svg:circle class="jtk-svg" cx="{{cx}}" cy="{{cy}}" r="{{r}}" fill="{{fill}}" stroke="{{stroke}}" stroke-width="{{strokeWidth}}"/>
<jtk-endpoint port-id="port" port-type="basic"/>

You can have multiple x-jtk-templates scripts declared in your html.


The loading of these scripts postpones the firing of the ready event in the Toolkit, so you should ensure you're not getting any 404s and what you are loading is loading quickly.

Interpolating values

To extract some value from a node/group that a given template is rendering, use this syntax:


So for some node with this dataset:

name:"My Node"

You'd get this output:

<h1>My Node</h1>

Values within attributes

The template engine will extract values from the dataset within attributes, with some limitations. Let's enhance the heading example from above with a title attribute:

<h1 aria-label="{{title}}" title="{{title}}">{{name}}</h1>

So for some node with this dataset:

name:"My Node",
title:"This is the name of the node"

You'd get this output:

<h1 aria-label="This is the name of the node" title="This is the name of the node">My Node</h1>


You can use basic math inside an attribute value, for instance:

<svg:svg width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}">
<svg:circle cx="{{width / 2}}" cy="{{height / 2}}" rx="{{width / 2}}" ry="{{height / 2}}"

These expressions can include parentheses:

<svg:svg width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}">
<svg:circle cx="{{(width-10) / 2}}" cy="{{(height-10) / 2}}" rx="{{(width-10) / 2}}" ry="{{(height-10) / 2}}"

what you cannot do, though, is eval arbitrary Javascript:

<svg:svg width="{{width}}" height="{{height}}">
<svg:circle cx="{{calcCenterX(width)}}" cy="{{calcCenterHeight(height)}}" rx="{{calcRx(width)}}" ry="{{calcRy(height)}}"

This will not work. You can use macros to insert computed values.

Rendering SVG

To render SVG elements you must prefix the tag with a namespace:

<svg:svg width="50" height="50">
<svg:rect x="10" y="10" width="10" height="10"></svg:rect>

This is due to the fact that the templating code uses createElementNS to create elements.

Updating Data

Given this template for some node type:

<div class="someNode">
<r-each in="someDataMember">

and this call to a Toolkit instance:

var node = toolkit.addNode({
{ id:"one" },
{ id:"two" },
{ id:"three" }

You'll get a node element with a span that says FOO, and a list of three items: one, two and three.

Calling updateNode on the Toolkit instance associated with this node:

toolkit.updateNode(node, {
{ id:"un" },
{ id:"deux" },
{ id:"trois" }

will result in a node element with a span that says FOO-NEW, and a list of three items: un, deux and trois.

Updating the class attribute

Recado won't update the class attribute once a template has been written. Since the update method can only write values for classes that were in the template, there's a risk that any classes added by other parts of your app would be removed. For example say you have this template:

<div class="{{nodeType}}">

If you render this with {nodeType:"start-node"} then you'd end up with a div with class start-node. Then say some code comes along and does this:


Now you've got a div with class start-node selected. If you then called update, the Toolkit would re-write the class attribute to have only the nodeType class; probably not at all what you want. In this scenario you are better off using attribute selectors.

Template Macros

These are a means for you to inject values into your templates that require computation at runtime. You indicate to the template engine that you wish to invoke a macro by prefixing the value to interpolate with a hash. A slightly more convoluted version of the above example:

<script type="jtk" id="tmplTable">
<div data-id="{{id}}">

We use two macros here:

toolkit.render(someElement, {
truncatedId:(data) =>, 5),
concatTags:(data) => data.tags.join(" ")

The data argument passed in to each macro is the vertex's backing data. For example, for this setup, we might have this payload:

"id": "78947329843h2hjlkshkfasd789",
"content": "Loretta ipsum",
"tags": [ "foo", "bar", "qux"]

Tag reference


With objects in an array
{ id:"one", label:"value1" },
{ id:"two", label:"value2" }
<r-each in="someDataMember">
<li id="{{id}}">{{label}}</li>
With Arrays in an Array
[ "one", "value1" ],
[ "two", "value2" ]
<r-each in="someDataMember">
<li id="{{$value[0]}}">{{$value[1]}}</li>

The point to note here is that the current array is exposed as the variable $value.

With an Object
someData : {
label:"FOO is the label",
<r-each in="someData">

The point to note here is that each entry is presented to the template as an object with $key and $value members.

Uniquely identifying child nodes

In some cases, such as the Schema Builder application that ships with the Toolkit, you might want to use the r-each element to loop through your data and add ports to your nodes. For instance:

<ul class="table-columns">
<r-each in="columns" key="id">
<r-tmpl id="tmplColumn"/>

This is how the schema builder application renders the columns in a table. tmplColumn looks kind of like this:

<script type="jtk" id="tmplColumn">
<li class="table-column table-column-type-{{datatype}}" primary-key="{{primaryKey}}" data-port-id="{{id}}">



with some details removed for brevity. The thing to note is that this template, which is looped over, generates ports for the node. Note the key attribute on the r-each element above. It instructs Recado on how to get a unique identifier for each value in the loop. Thus, if you change the data in some port, Recado will just update the port's element, since it can use the key property to identify the existing element. Similarly, if you add a new port, Recado will use the key to determine that it has no current element, and if you remove a port, Recado will use the key to determine that the element corresponding to that port is no longer needed, and will remove it.

The Toolkit will log a message to the console any time the r-each element is used without a key. If you do not supply a key then the Toolkit will not be able to perform an update of the loop.


Inline {{if ...}} statements in attributes are not supported.

<r-if test="someObjectRef">

An existence test will be evaluated according to Javascript's "falsy" rules. If you are unfamiliar with falsiness in Javascript, you might like to take a look here

<r-if test="foo == 5">

Expressions are limited by the following rules:

  • the only comparators supported are ==, ===, <=, <, >, >=
  • javascript expressions are not supported (eg someMethod(foo) == 5)


Comments follow the standard XHTML syntax:

a comment
<span>Maybe some code was commented</span>

Comments are stored in the parse tree for a template. This may or may not prove useful.

Embedding HTML

By default Recado treats text as plain text. Unlike its predecessor, Recado does not support embedding arbitrary HTML.

Nested Templates

With specific context
<r-tmpl id="nested" context="someItem"></r-tmpl>
Inheriting parent context
<r-tmpl id="nested"></r-tmpl>

The difference between these two examples is that in the first, an item called someItem is extracted from the current dataset, and passed in to the nested template, whereas in the second, the nested template is passed the exact same data that the parent is currently using to render itself.

Inside an r-each loop
<r-each in="someList">
<r-tmpl id="nested"></r-tmpl>

This is similar to the example immediately above - the nested template inherits its parent's context, but in this case the parent's context is currently some item from the list. You can also use context in this situation:

<r-each in="someList">
<r-tmpl id="nested" context="someMemberOfTheListItem"></r-tmpl>

The context for the nested element here is the someMemberOfTheListItem member of each list item.

With complex context

You are not limited to extracting single variables from the current context to pass in to a nested template. You can specify a complex object too:

<r-tmpl id="nested" context="{id:foo, label:'Hello'}"/>

In this example, foo will be extracted from the context in which the current template is executing, and Hello is a hardcoded string.

Accessing nested properties

You can also specify properties that are nested inside the current context, either with dotted notation:

<r-tmpl id="nested" context="{, label:'Hello'}"/>

or by naming the property:

<r-tmpl id="nested" context="{id:record['id'], label:'Hello'}"/>
Dynamic Template Names

You can lookup the name of a nested template at runtime, for example consider these templates:

<script type="jtk" id="someTemplate">
<r-tmpl lookup="{{nestedId}}" default="def"/>

<script type="jtk" id="green">

Here we see the ID of the nested template is derived from the nestedId property of the data we are rendering:


default allows you to provide the ID of a template to use if the lookup fails.