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browser-ui-angular package


BaseAngularOverlayComponentA base implementation of AngularOverlayComponent that you can use if its convenient for you. This class offers an updateEdge and a removeEdge method, as helpers.
BaseNodeComponentThe base class for components that will be rendered as Nodes (or Groups). Your node/group components should extend this class.
BasePortComponentThe base class for components used to render ports. You must extend this component if you use a component for rendering ports. Your extension of this component needs to declare a constructor that takes an ElementRef. When you call the port component you need to pass the port's backing data as obj and its parent node/group component as parent.
BrowserUIAngularAngular specific renderer.
jsPlumbMiniviewComponentA component that provides a miniview.
jsPlumbServiceThe jsPlumbService provides the core of the Angular integration, offering methods to create and retrieve instances of the Toolkit.
jsPlumbSurfaceComponentProvides a component that manages a surface.
jsPlumbToolkitModuleAngular module. You should import this module to your app.


AngularOverlayComponentDefines an angular component that will act as an overlay. This interface exists largely for convenience; the code will write the members of this interface onto any component it creates
AngularRenderOptionsRender options for a Surface when used with Angular integration. Some values from the original SurfaceRenderOptions are not relevant.
AngularViewOptionsExtension of view options that allows for Angular components to be mapped to node, group and port types.
ViewGroupAngularOptionsExtension of group definition in a view that adds component.
ViewNodeAngularOptionsExtension of node definition in a view that adds component.
ViewPortAngularOptionsExtension of port definition in a view that adds component.


AngularComponentOverlayTypeDefines the type for an overlay that is represented by an angular component. Use this value in your views instead of "Arrow", "Label" etc.