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PathOptions interface

Path specification.


export interface PathOptions 


edgeFilter?(n: Edge) => boolean(Optional) This function is given each Edge's backing data and asked to return true or false - true means include the Edge, false means exclude it.
nodeFilter?(n: Node) => boolean(Optional) This function is given each Node/Group's backing data and asked to return true or false - true means include the Node/Group, false means exclude it.
sourcestring | VertexPath source. Either a vertex (node/group/port) or a vertex id.
strict?boolean(Optional) Sets whether or not paths are searched strictly by the given source/target. If you supply a node as the source, but there are only edges connected to ports on that node, by default these edges will be ignored. Switching strict to false will mean these edges are considered.
targetstring | VertexPath target. Either a vertex (node/group/port) or a vertex id.