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OrthogonalConnectorOptions interface

Options for an orthogonal connector.


export interface OrthogonalConnectorOptions extends ConnectorOptions 

Extends: ConnectorOptions


alwaysRespectStubs?boolean(Optional) If true, always draw a stub of the desired length, even when the source and target elements are very close together.
cornerRadius?number(Optional) Optional curvature of the corners in the connector. Defaults to 0.
loopbackRadius?number(Optional) For a loopback connection, the size of the loop.
midpoint?number(Optional) The point to use as the halfway point between the source and target. Defaults to 0.5.
slightlyWonky?boolean(Optional) If true, and a cornerRadius is set, the lines are drawn in such a way that they look slightly hand drawn. This effect was something we stumbled across, ie. a mistake, but it was charming in its own way so we decided to leave it in as an option.
stub?number(Optional) Optional number of pixels to travel from each endpoint before the connector's path commenced/after the path ends.
supportLegacyConnectorData?boolean(Optional) Defaults to false. Use this flag if you are migrating from 2.x to 5.x and you have connector data stored in the 2.x format that you wish to load.