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WheelOptions interface

Options for how to respond to wheel events.


export interface WheelOptions 


axis?PanAxis(Optional) For use with pan:true - defines the axes in which the widget will pan in response to the wheel
filter?(e: MouseEvent) => boolean(Optional) Optional function to call to check if wheel zooming should be enabled for the current event target.
pan?boolean(Optional) Whether or not to pan the display when the wheel is moved. Defaults to false.
reverse?boolean(Optional) Defaults to false. If true, the zoom direction is reversed: wheel up zooms out, and wheel down zooms in.
sensitivity?number(Optional) How sensitive the wheel should be.
useMetaKey?boolean(Optional) If true, the "meta" key (CMD on Mac, Ctrl on windows/linux) must be pressed in order for wheel zoom to operate. This can be useful if your UI fills the screen in one or more axes and your users would not be able to scroll past the Surface widget.
zoom?boolean(Optional) Whether or not wheel zoom is enabled. Defaults to true.