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IngestOptions interface

Options for the ingest method


export interface IngestOptions 


edgeIdFunction?Function(Optional) Optional function to use to extract the ID from the backing data for some edge
edgeTypeFunction?Function(Optional) Optional function to use to extract the type from the backing data for some edge
idFunction?Function(Optional) Optional function to use to extract the ID from some dom element
jsPlumbBrowserJsPlumbInstanceThe Community edition instance to ingest
nodeSelector?string(Optional) optional CSS3 selector that identifies elements in the Community edition that we want to treat as nodes.
render?boolean(Optional) Defaults to true, meaning a Surface is created. If you set this to false no Surface is created. Unless you can think of a reason why you would not want the Surface to be created it is best to not provide a value for this parameter.
renderParams?SurfaceOptions(Optional) Optional params for the Surface that is created
typeFunction?Function(Optional) Optional function to use to extract the type from some dom element