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Grid Layout

This layout arranges elements into a grid.

Grid layout


Interface GridLayoutParameters

Options for the GridLayout.


columns?: number
Optional fixed number of columns. By default this is set to -1 - meaning not fixed - which will result in the layout making its best effort at drawing a grid of equal width and height
height?: number
Optional fixed height for the layout.
Optional alignment for horizontal placement in cells. Defaults to center.
locationFunction?: LocationFunction
Optional function that, given some vertex, can provide the x/y location of the vertex on the canvas
Whether to lay out items row first or column first. Additionally, this setting will determine where any extra items are placed if the dataset does not conform to a grid of equal width and height
padding?: PointXY
Optional padding to put around the elements.
rows?: number
Optional fixed number of rows. By default this is set to -1 - meaning not fixed - which will result in the layout making its best effort at drawing a grid of equal width and height.
Optional alignment for vertical placement in cells. Defaults to center.
width?: number
Optional fixed width for the layout.


toolkit.render(someElement, {  