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JsPlumb offers a set of packages to assist you in rapidly building powerful applications whose focus is on diagramming and visual connectivity. Some key features of JsPlumb are:


These docs refer to version 6.19.0. For the 2.x documentation, see this page. For the 5.x documentation, see this page.

This site provides the documentation for the Toolkit edition. For Community edition documentation, visit this page.

Getting Started

A good way to get started familiarising yourself with the architecture of the Toolkit is to clone the starter applications and feature demos project on GitHub, and take a look through the various applications available. If you're using Vue, Angular, React or Svelte there are versions of various of these apps that use the appropriate library integration that ships with the Toolkit.

If you're a new evaluator then you will find the starter applications inside your evaluation download. You may also like to take a look at our evaluators page.

The Data Model page is a good place to start looking around when you want to familiarise yourself with the way the Toolkit models the world. In a nutshell, the Toolkit uses a directed graph as its core data structure. Every app that has a need for jsPlumb - which is to say a need for the ability to connect entities - can be thought of in terms of a directed (or undirected) graph.

Starter apps and demonstrations

In this GitHub repository you will find source code and documentation for all of the starter apps and feature demonstrations on the Toolkit's website: